FRIGID / Object 001
final year project
Public Service Announcement
Good day,
I have a prediction. A prediction of a future formed from the constant Environmental Generational Amnesia, abbreviated as EGA, that we are facing. EGA is the concept that each generation only perceives the environment it is born into as the norm, no matter how developed, urbanized or polluted. This causes what each generation think of as 'nature' to be relative, based on what they are exposed to. This is a worrying phenomenon as not only do the latter generations not know how much degradation our planet has faced, its consequences such as fluctuating climate conditions and severe natural disasters could spell unimaginable consequences for mankind
Through my research, I predict that in the future, irregular yet recurring heatwaves will be one of the major natural disaster humans will be facing. Currently, heatwaves are observed in Asian and European countries, to which lives are lost.
The product above may look seemingly bizarre and and irrelevant but that is as intended. Being a Product of Tomorrow, it is not an installation nor a statement piece, but a hypothetical product that, could be realised in a future that is further degraded by EGA.
Although such a scenario may still be far in the horizon, this product was designed for near future use. By normalising the degraded future today, this product will serve as a stark, alarming and morbid reminder for all, forcing us to look and reflect on our own past and present.
The Earth belongs to all and conservation is not a job for one.
- k_nn_rv_
Exploded View
Creative process journal


Technical Drawings
Frigid // Final Year Project // 2020